Monster Patrol Fanart

Decided to try my hand at drawing the Monster Patrol (and a simple logo for them) from Geek and Sundry’s Weave Society series. Featuring Chrissa (played by Gina DeVivo), Bleep (played by Becca Scott), Sally 5000 (played by Whitney Moore) and Sophia (played by Stef Woodburn)


Stanley The Awkward Turtle: Slagar’s Livestream Mascot

So I have two sketches of Stanley that I figured I would share. One before we learned what kind of turtle he was (sea turtle) and one after.

Slagar_ and Jenneh: ARK Survival Evolved fanart

Here is the progression of one of my fanart sketches for Slagar’s stream. This time, he was playing ARK: Survival Evolved!

Servant / Fifi La Mode Art Process

A progression of drawings I did until I completed the final version of Fifi La Mode for use on the Lords of Minecraft minecraft server and Deadbones’ Card Shop. Stream Art

So, I’m really absentminded and completely forgot to post my other art. Whoops! So here is a collection of fanart I’ve done for Slagar’s streams on

Artwork of Slagar (Weekly Art Dump)

So, one of my friends and favorite livestreamers, Slagar, has been talking for a while about how he would like more artwork based on himself and not one of his game personas. Naturally, I decide to give it a shot, and drew the two sketches below– I included his original logo as the symbol on the t-shirt, and made his face and hair a bit more fitting of his actual self, as opposed to his game characters.

slagar_leaning_rev     slagardoodle

New Site For Miscellaneous Artwork

Welcome to my WordPress site! I intend to use this as a dumping ground for some of my just-for-fun artwork and sketches, in the hopes that it will encourage me to draw a bit more frequently. My current drawing subjects tend to be related to Minecraft, particularly the Lords of Minecraft server, so expect to see some recurring characters or themes here.